Where are we?

11 Hastings Road, Mairangi Bay at the Mairangi and Castor Bay Presbyterian Church. Just drive up to the church from Penzance Road. There’s heaps of parking!

What to bring

Your yoga/Pilates mat, a towel and some water.
Light clothing and no shoes required.
A kick-ass attitude!

Class times

Mondays at 6:30-7:30pm
Thursdays at 6:30-7:30pm


Class costs

2025 Get Strong 8-Week Challenge

$200 for 16 classes – Mon Jan 6th to Thurs Feb 27th

$160 for a 10-class concession card

$18 per class for a casual drop-in rate

$12 per class for students

You can arrange to attend your first class for free to see if HIIT Pilates is right for you! Just fill out the form below.

Free Beginner’s Trial Class

Your first class is FREE!

I want to be sure you enjoy the workout and that it suits your needs.
Come and learn the ropes in a pressure-free environment.
Simply contact me to let me know you’re coming.

Get Strong Challenge

The next 8-week Get Strong Challenge is starting on Monday, Jan 6th.

The last class of this session will be on Thursday Feb. 27th

You are welcome to join in at any time during the 8-weeks although it’s ideal if you start on the first class on Jan 6th.


Yes, classes are designed for real people, with real bodies. All exercises can be scaled up or down to meet your specific fitness level. You are encouraged to work at your own pace and listen to your body for cues. Heading along to a new exercise class doesn’t have to be scary. HIIT Pilates is designed to be done by anyone, no matter your fitness level. You don’t have to be bendy, strong or flexible to join us.

The room is slightly heated, so it does give your body an opportunity to relax and loosens the tendons and tight spots before working out. It’s enough to get a good sweat going but it’s not super hot. It is not like a Bikram studio.

This workout is useful and challenging for anyone, young, older, male or female. About 20% of the class is male. You work at your own pace according to your own goals and fitness. Remember, it’s not yoga, the focus is on building strength and endurance. If you want a tough workout, let me know and I will bring advanced variations for you. I guarantee it will be challenging for anyone!

Yes! Many athletes use this modality to aid in recovery from injury. Come for a free class and see if it will work for you. We can usually work around any injuries using different variations or exercises. Of course, it’s always a good idea to get the advice of your physio or other practitioner what type of exercise is best for your recovery.